爱尔兰小说家弗兰克·奥康纳(Frank O’Connor)以1919至1921年的英爱战争为背景,创作了现实主义短篇小说《异乡客》(Guests of the Nation)。小说中,奥康纳从语言、心理、行为等不同角度,通过对人物进行直白而细致的刻画,塑造了一系列战时社会底层的人物形象。由此清晰地表明了他对这场战争的态度:战争究其本质而言是残酷且荒谬的,交战双方的所有人都是战争的受害者。
Anglo-Irish War(1919-1921) provides the setting for the realistic short story Guests of the Nation written by Irish author Frank O'Connor. In the story, the author creates a group of characters during the war time.Through the vivid description of their language, psychological activities and actions, the author vehemently condemns the cruel and absurd nature of the war that makes everyone involved a victim.
Journal of Hunan First Normal University