运用测度联赛竞争性平衡的基尼指数(GINI)、胜率标准差(SDWP)、赫芬达尔指数(HHI)等方法对CUBA竞争性平衡进行统计分析,结果表明:(1)CUBA男子与女子联赛都存在不同程度的竞争不平衡.随着联赛的发展,男女联赛之间的竞争性平衡差距反而越大,呈现轻度负相关(-0.135);(2)高校高水平运动员的招生、学业管理、经费投入是影响CUBA竞争平衡的主要因素.根据研究结果与分析,提出以下建议:确保高校构建高水平篮球队的经费;注重运动员训练和学业两方面的表现,借鉴NCAA关于运动员学业的管理制度(Academic Progress Rate)等.
By testing the methods of measuring competitive balance of league matches, such as the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, Gini Coefficient, the Standard Deviation of Winning Percentages, the article analyzes the competitive balance of CUBA statistically. The result shows that:(1) it exists a competitive unbalance problem in men′s and women′s CUBA to some extent. With the development of the league matches, more gaps is growing between men′s and women′s CUBA, and they show a negative correlation(-0.135).(2) High level student sports athlete′s admission, academic management and financial outlay devotion are the key factors of high standard sport teams′ construction which affects the competitive balance of CUBA. According to the research findings, there are several suggestions as follows:(1) Ensure enough budget of establishing high standard basketball team among high schools. (2) Pay attention to athlete′s performance of discipline and study, referring to Academic Progress Rate of NCAA.
Journal of Shaoguan University