

Development Status of Russian Synthetic Rubber Industry
摘要 随着我国与俄罗斯在合成橡胶领域的合作不断深入,俄罗斯合成橡胶工业发展状况受到业内人士的极大关注。2012年,俄罗斯合成橡胶总产量125.53万t,橡胶出口总量为89.2万t。近几年,俄罗斯IR、BR、SBR、NBR及IIR几大品种合成橡胶产量基本呈平稳态势。俄罗斯下卡姆斯克石化股份公司是世界上最大的IR生产企业;俄罗斯丁二烯资源丰富,可生产几乎所有类型的NBR品种;俄罗斯是我国IIR最主要的进口国之一,其IIR技术也是我国相关单位关注的焦点。期望对俄罗斯合成橡胶工业(包括生产企业、技术特点、产品牌号等)发展现状所做的研究和分析,对我国合成橡胶工业的发展有所借鉴。 With the increasingly in-depth cooperation in the synthetic rubber field between China and Russia, the development status of Russian synthetic rubber industry has attracted great attention from the industry insiders. In 2012, the total production of the synthetic rubber in Russia is 1.2553 million tons, and the total export volume is 0.892 million tons. In recent years, the production of various sorts of synthetic rubbers in Russia like IR, BR, SBR, NBR and IIR keeps a stable tendency. Russian Nizhnekamsk Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is the biggest enterprise for producing IR; The butadiene in Russia is rich, and it could be used to produce almost all sorts of NBR products; Russia is one of our main import countries for IIR, and the related IIR technologies are also the focus for the related departments in our country. The paper analyses the developmental conditions of Russian synthetic rubber industry(including production enterprises, technology features, product brands, etc.), hoping to provide some references to the development of our synthetic rubber industry.
作者 许波
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2014年第10期39-44,共6页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
关键词 俄罗斯 合成橡胶 合成橡胶工业 Russia synthetic robber synthetic rubber industry
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