

Thoughts on devdoping gold international board
摘要 上海自贸区黄金国际板的设立,是加强自贸区金融改革创新和设立国际大宗商品交易及资源配置平台的战略举措,对于推动人民币国际化发展也具有重要的战略意义。该文展望了黄金国际板未来的功能定位,并在探讨黄金国际板建设可能面临的风险的基础上,提出稳步推进黄金国际板建设的若干建议。 The gold international board launched in Shanghai free trade zone is a strategic measure to strengthen financial reform and innovation and to establish a platform for international commodity trading and resource allocation, which carries important strategic significance in promoting RMB internationalization as well. The article discusses the future functions of the gold international board and gives some suggestions to steadily develop the gold international board after examining the potential risks possibly associated with its establishment.
作者 姬明
出处 《中国货币市场》 2014年第11期58-61,共4页 China Money
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