This paper reports that some factors affected the morphological change of erythrocyte trophozoites of Plasmodium vivax temperate strain in Guizhou Province.The results showed that:(1)The relationship be- tween detection rate of Schuffner's dots and concentration of Giemsa stain solution.The concentration of Giemsa stain solution used varied from 2%,5%,7%,10% to 15%,for the thin blood film,the detec- tion rates of Schuffner's dots in RBC infected with trophozoites were 0.7%,51.9%,69.8%,75.7% and 88.1% respectively,and that of RBC ring form were 0%,0.3%,25.4%,18% and 53.8% respective- ly;(2)In the same patient at the different stages of the disease-i.e.chills,fever and intermission stages, the detection rates of Schuffner's dots in RBC infected with trophozoites were 35.4%,56.7% and 88.3% respectively.Multinuclear trophozoites were discovered from the patients infected with plasmodium viuax tem- perate strain,no matter whether they came from malaria areas or malaria free areas.The detection rate of multinuclear trophozoites from the patients of malaria areas was 1.68% and 4.87% from the patients of malaria free areas;(3)The relationship between the method for drying the thin blood film and the detection rate of multinuclear trophozoites(RTM)and of infected erythrocyte morphological change(REMC).When the thin film was dried by the electric fan(fast drying method),the RTM and REMC were 1.47% and 11.13%,and the parasitized red cells were enlarged in 58.99%,only 29.88% the infected erythrocytes appeared normal.When the thin blood films were dried in the moist box(slow drying method),RTM and REMC were found to be 3.30% and 33.71% respectively,the infected erythrocytes enlarged accounted for 52.98%,and only 13.31% appeared normal.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control