

Aesthetic Appreciation of 'Alienated Labor' in the Creation Ideas of the Chinese Novels in the World——Adopting the Full-length Novel 'Tian Wang' by Lin Mei as an Example
摘要 "异化劳动"审美是马克思通过对异化劳动的分析,一方面尖锐批判了资本主义私有制的罪行,另一方面又确认了异化劳动对于审美活动的两重性在美学上所具有的两种意义:既制造丑,又创造美。从马克思主义观点看,异化劳动作为社会现象同阶级一起产生,是人的物质生产与精神生产及其产品变成异己力量,反过来统治人的一种社会现象。文章认为,审视世界华文小说的创作理念,由于中西文化的差异乃至认知理念的迥异,身处异域的华人作家的创作审美体验,既在心理上超越了异化的存在状态又在精神领域潜移默化了个人独特的反抗异化的社会实践方式,并以《天望》为例来解读异化审美与世界华文小说创作之内在实质。得出作家作为审美创造的主要参与者,在反抗异化的小说创作征程中,必须坚守自己作为自由与描绘社会的捍卫者与守望者的身份,梳通世界华文小说创作理念能够在同一理论背景下将东西方文化得以彼此沟通、衍化和统摄的概理。 Refer to the aesthetic appreciation of 'Alienated Labor', Marx criticized the crimes of capitalism private ownership on the one hand, and on the other hand, confirmed the duality of alienated labor for aesthetic activities that created two kinds of meanings in aesthetics: not only making ugliness, but also creating beauty by the analysis on the alienate labor. From the viewpoint of Marxism, as a social phenomenon, alienated labor appeared together with the class, and it is a social phenomenon that people' s material production and spiritual production, and its products become the alien power that rule people in reverse. Through considering the Chinese novel creation concept in the world, paper thinks that because of the differences of Chinese and western cultures and even the different cognitive concepts, the creation aesthetic experience of Chinese writers in the foreign countries not only transcend the alien existence psychologically, but also unconsciously influence the personal unique practice way against alienation spiritually. By taking 'Tian Wang' as an example, this paper also analyzes the intrinsic essence of alien aesthetic appreciation and the Chinese novel creation in the world and proposes that the writers, as the main participants of aesthetic creation, must stick to their identities as the defenders and watchers of freedom and describing society and combine the general principle that the creation concept of Chinese novels in the world can promote the eastern and western cultures to communicate, evolve, and governs under the same theory during the novel creation journey against the alienation.
作者 彭燕彬
出处 《河南广播电视大学学报》 2014年第3期51-55,共5页 Journal of Henan Radio & TV University
关键词 异化劳动 审美 世界华文小说 《天望》 alienated labor aesthetic appreciation Chinese novels in the world 'Tian Wang'
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  • 2马克思.马克思恩格斯选集(第二版)[M].北京:人民出版社.1995.









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