
中职师资培训质量跟踪评价体系构建的思考 被引量:3

Reflections on Constructing Tracking Evaluation System about Secondary Vocational Teacher Training Quality
摘要 基于对培训质量和跟踪概念的理解,诠释中职师资培训质量跟踪评价的内涵。根据完整性培训理念和培训评价体系在完备性上的要求,把培训机构的后续管理与服务指导、受训教师在工作中知识和技能的迁移情况、派送单位的反馈以及教育行政主管部门对培训项目开展的监控和支持作为设计评价的主要内容。 Based on comprehension of the concept of training quality and tracking assessment, the paper interprets the connotation of tracking assessment for secondary vocational teachers' training. According to the idea of integral training and necessity of completeness for evaluation system, the contents of assessment are as follows: follow-up management and service guidance, knowledge and skills transference of the trainees, feedback of sending units, training program monitoring and support by educational administrative department. In addition, the base of effectiveness examination for training quality is to set up tracking assessment system for training quality.
作者 李斌 何应森
出处 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2015年第2期71-74,共4页 Vocational and Technical Education
基金 2013年教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目资助<西部中等职业教育师资培训质量评价体系研究--以四川为例>(13YJA880024) 主持人:何应森 成都师范学院培育项目"西部中等职业教育与高等职业教育衔接的制度研究--以四川为例" 编号:CS13SD02 主持人:何应森
关键词 中等职业教育 师资 培训 质量 跟踪评价 体系构建 secondary vocational education teacher traing quality tracking evaluation system construction
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