
中原地区耕地质量变化遥感监测研究——以济源市为例 被引量:4

Study on Remote Sensing Monitoring of Variation in Cultivated Land Quality in the Central Plains Area: A Case Study in Jiyuan City
摘要 耕地保护事关国家粮食安全,随着中原地区新型城镇化建设步伐进一步加快,各项建设发展对耕地的占用将持续一段时间且短期内难以减缓,人地矛盾将进一步突出,耕地保护压力将进一步加大,加强耕地数量质量变化的监测研究对提高区域耕地管护水平具有重要意义。以济源市为例,通过2009年和2012年2期TM影像与耕地分布图叠加,基于植被指数(NDVI)提取与对比分析,得到研究区耕地多年粮食平均产量、耕地质量空间分布及其时空变化。研究表明,济源市耕地质量总体上较好,全市高产田主要分布在东部城区周边,低产田主要分布在中西部丘陵山区,质量好耕地占53.56%,质量差耕地占13.61%;2009—2012年全市耕地时空变化呈现出分布在空间上西移、局部区域耕地质量出现下降、东部部分优质耕地被占用、新补充耕地以中西部为主且质量相对较低等特征。今后耕地保护工作应统筹考虑新型城镇化和耕地保护的关系,由数量平衡与管理向数量-质量-生态综合平衡与管控转变,以实现区域耕地总量的动态平衡。 The food security is closely related to cultivated land protection. With the acceleration of newurbanization in the central plains, occupancy of cultivated land for construction and development will continueand is difficult to slow down in short term. The contradiction between people and land will further exacerbate,the pressure of cultivated land protection will increase further. To strengthen surveillance research of thequantity and quality of cultivated land is significant to improve the management and protection of regionalcultivated land. Taking Jiyuan City as an example, the TM images and land distribution map of 2009 and 2012 were overlaid. Based on the extracted vegetation index(NDVI) and comparison analysis of it, the average yielddifferences, spatial distribution of cultivated land quality and temporal and spatial changes of cultivated landquality of multi-years in the study area were obtained. The results showed that the quality of cultivated land inJiyuan City was good on the whole. The high-yielding fields were mainly distributed around the east of the city;the low-yielding fields were mainly located in the western mountains. Good quality arable land accounted for53.56%, and the poor-quality arable land accounted for 13.61%. The features of temporal and spatial changesof cultivated land from 2009 to 2012 included the westward distribution of cultivated land, the decline of regional cultivated land quality, the occupancy of eastern part of high quality cultivated land and thedistribution of low quality supplements mainly in midwest. The relationship between new urbanization andcultivated land protection should be considered in cultivated land protection. The transformation from thequantity balance and management to the quantity, quality and ecological comprehensive balance and controlwas to ensure the dynamic equilibrium of the total arable land in the region.
出处 《中国农学通报》 2015年第8期245-251,共7页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国土资源部公益性行业科研专项"河南省典型区高标准基本农田建设技术及应用"(201411022)
关键词 耕地质量 遥感监测 中原地区 济源市 cultivated land quality remote sensing monitoring central plains area Jiyuan City
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