
埃博拉病毒免疫学致病机制研究进展 被引量:1

Research advances in immunopathogeneses of Ebola virus
摘要 2014年西非埃博拉病毒病业已成为本年度最严重的公共卫生事件,其暴发迅猛、病死率高、缺乏特效治疗方法和有效疫苗的现状引起了全球的恐慌和卫生医疗领域的高度关注。埃博拉病毒致病主要机制为:感染单核吞噬细胞系统和树突状细胞,导致其大量分泌细胞因子和趋化因子,减少干扰素生成,阻断干扰素作用通路,并诱导多种免疫细胞大量凋亡;诱导多种细胞表面分子表达影响凝血功能;其直接散播和复制同时也能导致大量组织损伤。本文就埃博拉病毒免疫学致病机制研究进展进行综述。 The 2014 West Africa Ebola virus disease outbreak has been recognized as the most severe global public health emergency of the year. With its rapid and intensive outbreak, high mortality and lack of specific treatment and vaccines, widely spread fear has cast the globe with shadow, which requires due attention from the health and medical fields. The main immuno-pathogenesis include excessive secretion of cytokines and chemokines caused by infected mononuclear phagocytic system and dendritic cells, impairment of secretion and response pathway for interferon, and severe apoptosis of a various kinds of immune cells; in-duction of the expressions of some certain kinds of surface molecules, which leads to coagulopathy; multi-organ injuries caused directly by spread and replication of the virus. In this article, research advances in immunopathogeneses of Ebo la virus are discussed by re-viewing previous reports.
作者 刘赛 张永宏
出处 《传染病信息》 2015年第1期55-59,共5页 Infectious Disease Information
关键词 埃博拉病毒属 免疫 固有 获得性免疫 疫苗 Ebolavirus immunity innate acquired immunity vaccines
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