
2010年福建省肠道病毒71型血清流行病学调查 被引量:8

Sero-epidemiological investigation of Enterovirus 71 antibodies in Fujian Province,China,2010
摘要 目的了解经过2008及2009年手足口病流行之后,福建省普通人群血清肠道病毒71型的抗体水平。方法采集2010年福建省390名普通人群的血清标本,采用中和试验检测血清EV71中和抗体。结果 390名普通人群中和抗体阳性186人,阳性率47.69%。男女性别之间中和抗体阳性率及抗体滴度均没有统计学差异(χ2=0.42,P=0.52〉0.05;U=-0.24,P=0.81〉0.05)。各个年龄组之间的抗体阳性率及抗体滴度均有统计学差异(χ2=55.69,P=0.00〈0.05;HC=50.36,P=0.00〈0.05),抗体阳性率最低的为0~岁年龄组,为16.67%,抗体阳性率随年龄增大而增高。0~4岁年龄组的抗体阳性率为25.33%,5~年龄组的抗体阳性率为61.67%,两者之间的抗体阳性率及抗体滴度均有统计学差异(χ2=48.85,P=0.00〈0.05;U=-6.39,P=0.00〈0.05)。结论经过2008及2009年手足口病流行之后,福建省普通人群血清肠道病毒71型的抗体水平仍较低,特别是0~4岁年龄组的儿童。今后福建省仍会出现EV71作为主要病原体之一引起的手足口病疫情,易感人群仍为5岁组以下儿童,应继续加强监测和防控。 In order to investigate EV71 antibody levels among general population from Fujian Province after the 2008‐2009 HFMD epidemics ,390 sera‐specimens were collected from 390 participants in 2010 .EV71‐specific antibody was detected by neutralization test ,indicating 186 (47 .69% ) sera of 390 were EV71‐seropositive .Although the difference by gender was not statistically significant on positive rates and antibody titers ,significant differences were observed in positive rates and antibody titers among age groups .The positive rate was increasing with age ,while the 0 age‐group yielded the lowest positive rate of 16 .67% .Subsequently ,significant difference was detected among positive rates and antibody titers between age groups of 0 to 4 years‐old and 5‐years‐old ,with the positive rate of 25 .33% and 61 .67% ,respectively .Therefore ,the EV71 antibody levels among general population from Fujian Province after the 2008‐2009 HFMD epidemics was still in the low level ,especially the age groups of 0 to 4 years‐old .The epidemic of HFMD mainly caused by EV71 will still occur in the future ,and children under 5 years old are major susceptible population ,continuously intensive surveillance ,prevention and control are required .
出处 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期227-231,共5页 Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
基金 国家科技重大专项<艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治>(2012ZX10004-210-003)~~
关键词 肠道病毒71型 中和抗体 血清流行病学调查 Enterovirus 71 neutralizing antibody seroepidemiology survey
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