阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome,OSAHS)发病率高、病因复杂,其并发症可导致全身多系统、多器官的病损,严重危害人们的身心健康。治疗上从早期单一的治疗方法到现在个体化综合治疗理念的实施,OSAHS治疗手段的演变经历了几十年的坎坷之路,并出现了多学科参与的多元化局面。概括起来包括:1行为治疗:减肥、侧卧入睡、禁止使用镇静剂,戒烟酒;2器械干预:
Noninvasive continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP)for the ventilation treatment of obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome(OSAHS)is the first-line treatment method.This article aims to describe the effect of surgical operation especially for the UPPP in the individualized comprehensive treatment of OSAHS and the importance of surgical technique.Lower compliance is the bottleneck of CPAP therapy in clinical application,for the OSAHS patients with treatment failure in CPAP or those cannot accept CPAP therapy,when with no other ideal instrument therapeutics,accurate diagnosis of position in airway obstruction with an adequate surgical operation is the treatment of choice.Surgical operation is particularly important either as a fore-lying means to improve the CPAP treatment compliance or as an independence treatment method of OSAHS.The pharyngeal cavity is the most common obstructive plane in patients with OSAHS.The operation of traditional UPPP aiming at the expansion of pharyngeal cavity is the classics surgery to solve obstruction in this plane,the lower operation effective rate is the main reason of restriction in its development.How to improve the effective rate of surgical treatment of OSAHS is our surgical goal.The effective rate of surgical operation treatment in OSAHS rely on the following sides:to follow the OSAHS individualized comprehensive treatment principle,reasonable choice of surgical operation indication,the precise localization diagnosis of upper airway obstruction,adequate surgical operation and skilled surgical techniques.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery