
国家图书馆数字资源整合的探索与实践 被引量:11

Exploration and Practice of Digital Resource Integration in National Library of China
摘要 资源整合已经成为国家图书馆在大数据时代的工作重心,结合具体工作论述了国家图书馆开展数字资源整合与揭示的基本思路、工作内容与预期效果。重点介绍了新的信息资源类别标识在元数据中的应用以及基于FRBR理念进行元数据整合与揭示实验探索的情况。 In big data era, digital resource integration is becoming the work focus of National Library of China. Combined with specific work, this paper discusses the basic thinking, main working contents and desired re- sults of digital resource integration and resource reveal in National Library of China. The paper mainly de- scribes the metadata implementation of new content form and media type of information resource. It also introduces the experiment and exploration of metadata integration and reveal based on FRBR idea. 6 refs.
作者 曹宁 张炜
出处 《国家图书馆学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期30-35,共6页 Journal of The National Library of China
关键词 资源整合 资源揭示 信息资源类别 FRBR Resource Integration Resource Reveal Type of Information Resource FRBR
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