
外语词汇教学与附带习得有机结合的实证研究 被引量:1

An Empirical Study on the Integration of Intentional Vocabulary Instruction and Incidental Learning
摘要 在词汇习得过程中词汇教学和附带习得分别起什么作用,如何将两者有机的结合?本实验结合受试间和受试内两种设计,考察两组不同的受试者在不同的条件下对两组词汇习得情况。对第一组词汇,测试前对照组只接受词汇教学,实验组在词汇教学后辅助阅读含目标词文章。对第二组词汇,两组都通过一次性阅读附带习得。本研究考查学习者分别在习得词汇的词性、词义、搭配和语境提示下产出目标词四个方面有无区别,并对比一次性阅读对促进生词词汇习得和已教词汇习得的异同。研究发现词汇教学在促进词汇习得各方面效果明显好于一次性阅读,但词汇教学之后进行广泛阅读可以更好地巩固加深已教词汇的习得,词汇量作为一个重要因素在广泛阅读中既影响生词词汇的习得也影响已有部分知识词汇的习得。 What roles do vocabulary instruction and incidental leaning play in the acquisition of second language vocabulary and how could they be effectively integrated? A between - subjects and within - subjects design was proposed to examine two groups'acquisition of words'part of speech, semantic meaning, collocation and the production of target words with the help of context under different learning conditions. Before the test of the first group of words, the control group will only be taught the target words and the experimental group will be taught the target words and required to read a passage containing the target words. For the second group of words, two groups both incidentally acquire through one reading. The study revealed that intentional instruction is significantly better than incidental learning through one reading in all aspects of vocabulary leaning, but reading after instruction can consolidate and deepen learners'leaning of words that have been taught. Vocabulary size does matter in promoting the incidental learning of new words as well as words with partial knowledge in reading.
作者 刘艳梅
出处 《成都师范学院学报》 2015年第3期18-25,共8页 Journal of Chengdu Normal University
基金 山东省社科规划办项目(14CWY19) 山东省高校人文社科研究计划资助经费项目(J14WD19)
关键词 词汇教学 附带习得 二语词汇 词汇量 vocabulary instruction incidental learning second language vocabulary vocabulary size
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