
小学语文教科书中的爱国主义语篇的概念意义构建研究 被引量:3

An Ideational Intersemiotic Analysis of a Patriotic Reading Text in Primary Yuwen Textbook One
摘要 人教版语文第一册中有四篇课文是以传递爱国主义价值观为宗旨的。选取其中《我多想去看看》作为研究对象,运用符际互补理论框架,研究如何通过文字和图像符号系统的相互作用和相互配合,形成连贯的语篇,分析结果表明,文字图像之间的符际关系着重在"国旗"、"地点"、"升旗仪式"以及"观礼"等方面;在小学语文教材中可以通过文字和图像符号系统的互补形成连贯的多模态语篇并传导主流价值观。 This paper examines volume one of the Chinese literacy textbook for first grade primary school classes published by the People’s Education Press,and finds that there are four reading texts specifically aimed at conveying patriotic values. Choosing the text How I Want to Go and See as the object of study,we apply Royce’s Ideational Intersemiotic Complementarity framework in order to see how the language and images in the text convey the meaning of patriotism. Our analysis shows that there are various cohesive ties between the images and the text focusing mainly on the national flag,the location and event of the flag-raising ceremony,and seeing the flag raising ceremony. The paper demonstrates that visual and verbal semiotic resources can complement each other to realize a coherent multimodal text and to impart dominant social values.
出处 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期121-124,共4页 Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2013年教育部人文社会科学规划基金"中国小学语文书的多元符号研究--基于多元识读的视角"(编号:13YJAZH001)
关键词 爱国主义 小学语文教科书 多模态语篇 符际互补 patriotism primary school Yuwen textbook multimodal discourse intersemiotic comple-mentarity
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