

Forming and Fabric Transfer Flexible Anode Cable Coaxial Package Toner Technology
摘要 介绍了柔性阳极电缆设备和布料牵引与包裹机构的组成,阐明了布料牵引与成型机构在该设备的主要作用。布料预牵引与储存机构的组成和作用以及与恒张力储存关系的论述,解释了如何释放布料复卷过程产生的应力以及布料在进入成型器过程中的张力稳定。采用圆形翻领成型器,有效解决了布料连续包裹成型工艺。 According to introducing the composition of the flexible anode cable equipment and material traction and the mechanism of the package process, it was expounded the main function of the equipment about the material trac- tion and forming in the device. According to discussing the composition and function about the constant tension and the stored mechanism, and the stored relation with the fabric pro traction, it would be solved effectively the release of stress produced in the process of the cloth rewinder. By the circular lapel shaper it was solved eflectively the cloth wrapped forming process of the continuous.
出处 《电线电缆》 2014年第5期42-44,共3页 Wire & Cable
基金 陕西省重大科技创新项目(2011zkc02-2) 西安市2012年科技计划项目(CX1232)
关键词 电缆 包裹机 碳粉 同步输送 恒张力 cable wrapping machine toner synchronous transmission constant tension
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