
倍频Nd∶YAG激光治疗糖尿病黄斑水肿的临床疗效 被引量:1

Therapeutic Effect of Double Frequency Nd ∶ YAG Laser on Diabetic Macular Edema
摘要 目的探讨倍频Nd∶YAG激光治疗糖尿病性黄斑性水肿的临床疗效。方法 2型糖尿病视网膜病伴有黄斑水肿患者68例110只眼,采用倍频Nd∶YAG激光光凝治疗黄斑区,根据患者不同的黄斑水肿的情况,选择相应的激光参数与光凝方法。术后3和6个月,观察患者视力恢复;通过光学相干断层成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT)检测黄斑水肿消退情况;并进行荧光血管造影。结果患者治疗后视力较治疗前恢复,不同类型的黄斑水肿(局部水肿型、弥漫水肿型、囊样水肿型)激光治疗后,黄斑水肿皆减轻,差异具有显著意义。结论倍频Nd∶YAG激光光凝治疗糖尿病黄斑区水肿是一种有效的方法。 Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of double frequency Nd:YAG laser in treating diabetic macular edema. Methods Sixty-eight patients (110 eyes) with diabetic macular edema were treated with double frequency Nd:YAG laser and examined with fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA). The changes in vision, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and FFA was analyzed 3 and 6 months after the therapy. Results Postoperative visual acuity was improved, and the edema of macular eased. For different types of macular edema, the edema was alleviated, and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusions Selection of proper laser parameters and photocoagulation methods according to the actual conditions of patients with macular edema will ensure an effective treatment of diabetic macular edema.
作者 罗陈川 林延
出处 《中国激光医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2014年第4期194-197,共4页 Chinese Journal of Laser Medicine & Surgery
关键词 激光 糖尿病黄斑水肿 光凝 Laser Diabetic macular edema Photocoagulation
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