
嗜酸细胞性胃肠炎的临床特征分析 被引量:6

Clinical Features of Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis
摘要 背景:嗜酸细胞性胃肠炎(EG)的临床表现缺乏特异性,临床和病理医师对此尚未引起足够重视,诊断往往延迟。目的:探讨EG的临床特征。方法:回顾性分析2011年10月-2013年9月复旦大学附属中山医院确诊为EG患者的临床、实验室、内镜、影像学和治疗的资料。结果:10例EG患者的平均年龄41.9岁,4例有过敏史或哮喘史,起病至确诊时间平均25 d。临床均表现为腹痛,伴腹胀、腹泻或呕吐;8例血嗜酸性粒细胞增加,CT示7例胃和小肠壁广泛水肿,分层状肠壁增厚或腹腔积液。内镜检查发现6例胃窦、十二指肠或空肠黏膜充血糜烂。所有病例经胃肠黏膜活检和(或)腹水检查明确嗜酸性粒细胞浸润。7例患者予泼尼松治疗有效,1例停药后复发。结论:EG可能并非罕见,腹痛伴血嗜酸性粒细胞增多,或腹痛患者CT发现胃肠壁均匀水肿或分层状肠壁增厚,或伴腹水,需考虑EG,多部位包括十二指肠降部多点活检行病理学检查发现黏膜嗜酸性粒细胞浸润是确诊的主要手段。激素治疗可有效缓解症状和血嗜酸性粒细胞增多。 Background:The clinical presentation of eosinophilic gastroenteritis( EG)is nonspecific and has not received much concern by physicians and pathologists. The diagnosis of EG was delayed in many cases. Aims:To explore the clinical features of EG. Methods:The clinical,laboratory,endoscopic and radiologic features and treatment in patients who were diagnosed as EG from October 2011 to September 2013 in Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University were analyzed retrospectively. Results:Median age of 10 EG patients was 41. 9 years. Four patients had a history of allergy or asthma. The time from onset to diagnose was 25 days on average. The most common symptoms were abdominal pain with bloating, diarrhea or vomiting. Eight patients had hypereosinophilia. Abdominal CT revealed uniform edema or stratified thickness of intestinal wall or ascites in 7 patients. Endoscopy revealed erythema,edema and erosion in antrum,duodenum or jejunum in 6 patients. All cases were confirmed as having eosinophilic infiltration by mucosal biopsy or examination of ascites. Seven patients were successfully treated with corticosteroid. One patients experienced relapse after discontinuing corticosteroids during following up. Conclusions:EG may be more common than previously recognized and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of unexplained abdominal pain with peripheral eosinophilia or uniform edema or stratified thickness of intestinal wall. Multiple biopsies in multiple sites including descending duodenum and pathological examination for finding eosinophil infiltration are the keys to confirm the diagnosis. Corticosteroids are effective in relieving symptoms and improving eosinophilia.
出处 《胃肠病学》 2014年第9期556-559,共4页 Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology
基金 国家自然科学基金(81100263)资助
关键词 嗜酸细胞性胃肠炎 诊断 治疗 Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis Diagnosis Therapy
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