
基于SDN架构的地址跳变技术研究 被引量:5

IP Mutation Technology based on SDN Network
摘要 网络嗅探作为网络攻击的前奏,对于网络安全存在较大威胁。为增强网络本身的抗嗅探窃听能力,在移动目标防御网络的地址跳变技术的研究基础上提出了一种基于传输过程的地址跳变方案,主要思想是在SDN网络架构下,控制器通过为传输路由上交换机下发不同流表来实现IP地址的跳变。仿真结果表明,可以以较小的网络开销实现跳变机制,并使网络对于网络嗅探达到较高的防御能力。 As the prelude of network attack , network sniffering is a big threat to the network security. Based on the research achievement of moving target defence, a mechanism or strategy of IP address muta- tion in transmitting process is proposed, thus to enhance immunity of the network to sniffering. The main i- dea of this mechanism is that under the frame of SDN network, the controller by using 0penFlow protocol, writes different flow-tables to switch on the route and realizes IP mutation. Simulation results indicate that the IP mutation may be achieved at a comparatively low network overhead while a better network defense capability to the network sniffer for the network obtained.
机构地区 西南通信研究所
出处 《通信技术》 2015年第4期430-434,共5页 Communications Technology
关键词 SDN OpenFlow协议 IP地址跳变 移动目标防御 SDN OpenFlow protocol IP mutation moving target defense
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