Public key cryptosystem is an extremely important part in information security field, and its key lies in generating two big primes. Nowadays, although there is polynomial-time definitive primality detec- ting algorithm, such as AKS algorithm, unfortunately its running time could not meet the practical de- mands, therefore, the fast and practical probabilistic primality testing algorithm, Miller-Rabin test, be- comes the main algorithm. However, some detail of Miller-Rabin test is always ignored: it is misjudgment probability not error probability that is directly controlled by the test, while the latter is what indeed needs to decrease. Detailed analysis of this point is given, and meanwahile, the effects of some methods with distribution features of primes to decrease error probability are tested. Finally, result limit is analyzed and its necessity negated. Comparison indicates that, the underlying algorithm is more effective. preprocesslng the optimized optimization of
Communications Technology
北京市创新团队建设提升计划(No.ID HT20130502)~~