2SEC. 2003. Final Rule: Management's Reports on Internal Control over Financial Statements and Certification of Disclosure in Exchange Act Periodic Reports
3CICA. 2007. Section 5925 - An audit of internal control over financial reporting that is integrated with an audit of financial statements
4U. S. A. 1976. Foreign Corruption Practice Act (FCPA)
5SEC. 1988. No. 34 -25925 Report of Management's Responsibilities
6SEC. 2003. Final Rule: Management's Reports on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and Certification of Disclosure in Exchange Act Periodic Reports
7PCAOB. 2004. Auditing Standard No. 2 - An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Performed in Conjunction with An Audit of Financial Statements
8PCAOB. 2007. Auditing Standard No. 5 - An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting that is Integrated with An Audit of Finaneial Statements
9Ronald H. Coase. "The Nature of the Firm."Economics, 1937;4.