
清鸡汤软罐头杀菌条件研究 被引量:2

Sterilization of Chicken Broth in Retort Pouch
摘要 鸡汤常温不易贮藏,将其制成软罐头的形式,经高温杀菌,既能常温保质又便于运输与食用。对清鸡汤软罐头进行杀菌参数探讨,应用丹麦ELLAB有线温度测量系统记录杀菌过程冷点温度及杀菌值F变化,从F值来选择合适的杀菌时间。结果表明,其最佳杀菌工艺为121℃条件下15 min—12 min—9 min,杀菌值F达到10 min以上;在37℃下的90 d保温贮藏试验过程中,感官评价、盐度、乳酸及p H值变化不大,而氨基酸态氮下降了66.67%;成品与市售产品对比发现,各项检测指标差异细微,其中氯化钠、总酸、总糖、总固形物、可溶性固形物略低于市售,而p H值、氨基酸态氮、总氮、蛋白质则略高于市售产品。 Chicken broth is difficult to preserve at normal temperature. If it is packed in a pouch and deal with high-temperature sterilization,it can be kept at normal temperature,easy to be used,and convenient to be transported. The optimum sterilization conditions of chicken broth are studied. Using a Denmark ELLAB cable temperature system,the cold point temperature and lethality value F are recorded, and the appropriate sterilization time is determined by the F value. The result shows that the optimum sterilization condition is 121 ℃,15 min—12 min—9 min,and the F value reached over 10 min;During 90 days storage at 37 ℃,sensory evaluation,salinity,lactic acid and p H value changed little,but the amino acid nitrogen decreased by 66.67%;the chicken broth is compared with the market product,and the comparison shows that the index of Na Cl,total acid,total sugar,total solids and Brix is slightly lower than the market product;while,the index of p H value,amino acid nitrogen,total nitrogen,and protein is slightly higher than the market product.
出处 《农产品加工》 2015年第3期30-33,共4页 Farm Products Processing
关键词 清鸡汤 软罐头 杀菌 F值 贮藏 感官评价 chicken broth retort pouch sterilization F value storage sensory evaluation
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