军用直升机应进行安全性分析设计,这是无疑的。然而其安全性的要求和目标是什么?按什么方法进行分析和评估?此文回答了这些问题,即满足直升机AC292C-1309的要求,并应按ARP 4761给出的方法,完成安全性分析和评估。为此,首先说明国内外军用直升机安全性现状和存在的问题;接着介绍了ARP4761的特点和分析方法;然后论述了民机安全性要求和目标对军用直升机的适用性;最后根据以往的经验教训提出了军用直升机应用ARP 4761的要求。
Firstly,this paper described the problems existed currently in the Safety analysis and design of the Military Helicopter. Then,it provided induction about safety analysis methods in the APR 4761 document,and investigated the applicability of the civil aviation safety requirement and object in the military helicopter. Finally,according to the lessons learned,this paper presented the requirement associated with ARP4761 application.
Helicopter Technique