
中东新秩序下库尔德问题走向与中国的角色 被引量:10

The New Order in the Middle East and China's Role towards the Kurdish Issue
摘要 中东变局发生至今已有4载,它把阿拉伯世界拖入了漫长的"严冬"。4年来,中东政治生态、地缘政治秩序发生了翻天覆地的变化,而其中库尔德人的异军突起格外引入注目。库尔德人认为当前中东大面积动荡和地缘政治板块大变动可能是其面临的重大历史发展机遇,由此迎来"库尔德之春"。尤其是2014年夏天以来,"伊斯兰国"的突兴以及伊拉克陷入瘫痪,伊拉克库尔德人独立建国似乎在即。虽然未来库尔德人能否独立建国还存很大变数,但他们日益成为与阿拉伯人、土耳其人、伊朗人和犹太人在地区并驾齐驱的五大主导力量,这将是难以逆转的趋势。面对"库尔德之春"的到来以及库尔德人在中东开始扮演新的角色,中国对这一地区新兴力量采取何种态度与政策日益引入关注。 It has been four years since the start of the Middle East Upheaval, imposing a long "cold winter" upon the Arab world. Throughout the years, political environment and geopolitical order of the Middle East have experienced dramatic changes, witnessing the notable rising of the Kurds. It is upon this background that the Kurds believe that the changing situation in the Middle East would be a historical opportunity uncertainty Middle East new role of for them, and in the possible hence comes the " Kurdish Spring" . Despite of future independence of the Kurds, their rising in is irreversible. Considering the advent of the "Kurdish Spring" and Kurds, China's policy layout towards the emerging players in the the the the region would be a major concern.
作者 唐志超
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期20-34,共15页 West Asia and Africa
关键词 地缘政治 库尔德问题 “库尔德之春” 中国外交 Geopolitics Kurdish Issue "The Kurdish Spring" China' s Diplomacy
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