
中非民商事交往法律环境的现状及完善 被引量:1

The Status Quo and Improvement of the Legal Environment for China-Africa Civil and Commercial Transactions
摘要 民商事交往的健康、可持续发展需要有良好的法律环境。良好的法律环境一般应具备完备的法律制度、高效公正的司法与执法活动、民众较高的法律意识等。在中非民商事交往中,还存在相关法律制度不健全、双方司法与执法的交流与合作还比较薄弱、民众的法律意识有待提高等问题,因此,在中非民商事交往中出现了大量的民商事争议、投资纠纷以及违法犯罪活动等,这不利于中非民商事交往的正常开展。基于此,中非双方应共同努力,推动商签更多相关领域的双边条约,并对现有的一些双边条约内容进行完善;中非双方的司法和执法部门应扩大交流与合作,积极解决中非经贸关系中出现的法律问题;中非双方法律界人士应加强交流与沟通,积极宣传对方的法律制度,提高双方民众的法律意识。 The sound and sustainable civil and commercial transactions require a favorable legal environment, which is composed of a comprehensive legal framework, fair and efficient judicial cooperation, legal enforcement as well as the high degree of law - abiding sense among the actors. Due to the lack of a comprehensive legal framework, the weak judicial cooperation and legal enforcement, and the absence of high degree of law- abiding sense, many civil and commercial disputes, and even crimes occurred in the current China- Africa civil and commercial transactions, which in turn impede their sound and healthy development. It is therefore important that both sides work together to sign more bilateral treaties, to improve the existing treaties between both sides to meet the practical need; to enhance the cooperation from both sides to solve the legal issues commercial transactions; and to deepen practioners between both sides to promote between the law enforcement authorities arising from China -Africa civil and the exchange of the legal scholars and effectively the law- abiding awareness among the people involved in China -Africa civil and commercial transactions.
作者 郭炯 朱伟东
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期128-141,共14页 West Asia and Africa
基金 朱伟东主持的国家社科基金课题“中非经贸投资纠纷解决机制研究”(13BFX158)的阶段性成果
关键词 法律制度 中非关系 民商事交往 司法合作 法律交流 Legal Framework China -Africa Relations Civil and Commercial Transactions Bilateral Treaties Judicial Cooperation Legal Exchange
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