Teb (medicine) as described by Avicenna on the opening pages of the al-Qdngn fi al-Tibb (The Cannon of Medicine) was "a science by which one learns the conditions of the human body in health and in the nonexistence of health to keep health or to bring it back". According to Avicenna's Canon of Medicine and other traditional Persian medicine (TPM) resources, the observance of the six essential qualities provides guidance to any medical intervention. These qualities include air, food and drink, physical activity and rest, sleep and wake, retention and release (the bodily functions of absorption and evacuation) as well as mood and mental states. According to Avicenna's theory,
Teb (medicine) as described by Avicenna on the opening pages of the al-Qdngn fi al-Tibb (The Cannon of Medicine) was "a science by which one learns the conditions of the human body in health and in the nonexistence of health to keep health or to bring it back". According to Avicenna's Canon of Medicine and other traditional Persian medicine (TPM) resources, the observance of the six essential qualities provides guidance to any medical intervention. These qualities include air, food and drink, physical activity and rest, sleep and wake, retention and release (the bodily functions of absorption and evacuation) as well as mood and mental states. According to Avicenna's theory,