
为了无法回应的呼唤:从职业遗憾到自我重塑 被引量:7

For Unanswered Calling:From Occupational Regret to Self Crafting
摘要 实现内心的职业呼唤不仅是职业成功的重要标准之一,而且能使个体获得更多的工作满足与心流体验。但并非所有的职业呼唤都能得到实现,因无法回应内心的职业呼唤而产生职业遗憾,并导致组织认同和生活幸福感降低的现象普遍存在。本文通过文献述评,介绍了"无法回应的呼唤"的含义、表现形式及影响,分析了作为其重要后果之一的职业遗憾概念,并阐述了如何通过自我重塑(工作重塑、生活重塑和自我概念重塑),即自我行为方式和认知方式的改变,来弥补职业遗憾,回应无法实现的呼唤。对"无法回应的呼唤"进行探索,也有助于丰富与完善职业呼唤与职业生涯管理理论与实践。 Living a calling not only is an indicator of career success,but also makes oneself obtain more work satisfaction and flow experiences.But not all callings can be realized,and it is normal that unanswered calling(UAC)leads to occupational regret,thereby lower organizational identity and wellbeing.On the basis of literature review of unanswered calling concerning its concept,manifestations and influences,this paper analyzes the concept of occupational regret as an important result of unanswered calling and states how to make up occupational regret and respond to unanswered calling through self crafting(job crafting,life crafting and self-concept crafting),namely changes in self behavior and cognitions.The exploration of unanswered calling is conducive to the richness and perfection of occupational calling and career management theory practice.
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期66-75,96,共11页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71372213) 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目(13XJC630002)
关键词 无法回应的呼唤 职业遗憾 自我重塑 unanswered calling occupational regret self crafting
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