
英国工业化时期的犯罪问题及其社会成因 被引量:3

Crime Problem and Its Social Causes during the Period of British Industrialization
摘要 工业化时期,英国的犯罪与失序问题变得日益严峻,以盗窃、抢劫为主的财物犯罪尤为猖獗。盗窃的形式多种多样,被盗物品主要为生活用品。抢劫按风格不同可分为两类:一类是专门抢劫富商大贾的拦路大盗,另一类是以平民百姓为目标的普通劫掠。暴力犯罪的危害性主要体现在其对社会秩序形成的冲击,像"戈登暴乱"等群体性暴乱甚至一度导致政府机构的瘫痪。犯罪和失序问题的加剧与底层民众的赤贫化、生存环境的恶化密切关联。在急剧城市化的背景之下,日益庞大的流动人口在脱离乡村关系的同时却并未在陌生的城市环境中谋得稳定生计,许多人的境况反而变得更加无常和艰难。 During the period of industrialization,Britain suffered more from the problems of crime and social disorder.Property crime,such as theft and robbery,were particularly rampant.There were various forms of theft and the stolen goods belonged to articles of daily use.According to distinct styles,robbery could be divided into two categories:one was highway robbery which took the rich man as main target,the other was common robbery which took pedestrians as objects.Violent crime challenged the social order and some crowd riots,such as the Gordon Riots,even once led to the paralysis of the government agencies.The exacerbating problems of crime and disorder were closely related to the underclass' s pauperization and the deterioration of the social environment.Under the background of urbanization,increasingly large migrant population disengaged from the countryside relationship,while they didn't find a stable Ufe in the new city environment.The life of many people became more unpredictable and difficult.
作者 许志强
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期48-59,159,共12页 World History
基金 教育部项目"19世纪英国犯罪刑罚制度变迁研究"(项目编号:14YJC770035) 江苏省教育厅项目"维多利亚时期伦敦贫民窟治理研究"(项目编号:2014SJB776)的阶段性成果 扬州大学2013年校人文社科研究基金资助
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