采用Gompertz模型对高原鼠兔野外围栏种群幼体体重增长进行了比较,旨在探讨食物与密度因素对高原鼠兔生活史特征的作用模式。+F+R处理组高原鼠兔第二胎幼体平均成熟体重为163.67 g,成熟率6.27%,为最高组,其次为-F+R组,平均成熟体重154.46 g,成熟率5.87%,+F-R组平均成熟体重146.97 g,成熟率5.29%,而-F-R试验组平均成熟体重132.93 g,成熟率4.25%,为最低。研究结果表明,当恶劣环境导致高原鼠兔第一胎繁殖失败时,高原鼠兔第二胎能利用食物和低密度空间资源来改变自身的体重增长模式,进而维持种群数量的稳定状态。
We evaluated body weight growth of young plateau pika( Ochotona curzoniae)through use of the Gompertz model to investigate the effect of food and density factors on plateau pika life history characteristics. The mature weight and maturation rate of the second litters of plateau pika differed by treatment conditions. Among them, the treatment group( + F + R), the second litters plateau pika average mature body weight ( 163. 67 g) and mature ( 6. 27% ) are highest, followed are groups ( - E + R) and ( + F - R ), The experimental group ( - F - R ) average mature body weight( 132.93 g) and maturation rate(4. 25% ) are the lowest. The results show when the harsh environment led to the failure of the first litters plateau pika, the second litters of plateau pika can use food and low - density space resources to change their weight and growth patterns, and thus play a role in the maintenance of population stability.