

Hand Rearing and Growth of Polar Bear Cubs
摘要 在2012~2013年2 a时间内,天津海昌极地海洋世界饲养的1头成年雌性北极熊先后产下3胎共5只北极熊幼崽,均使用配方奶粉进行人工哺育。对5只幼崽3月龄内的摄食量、体重、体温、呼吸频率以及生长过程中的一些生理特征等数据进行采集和分析,结果显示,5只幼崽食欲旺盛、体重增长较快、生理指标正常平稳。表明幼崽生长发育及健康状况良好,同时也表明人工哺育北极熊幼崽的方式是可行的。在北极熊幼崽的人工哺育方面积累了较为丰富的经验,为日后北极熊的人工繁育以及了解北极熊幼崽的生长发育情况提供了参考。 A adult female polar bear gave birth to 5 polar bear cubs at Tianjin Haichang Polar Ocean World from 2012 to 2013. We successfully reared the cubs by maintaining their normal temperature in an incubator, and providing them with an appropriate milk formula. Data on the food intake, body mass, body temperature, respiratory rate and other physiological indices of 5 polar bears cubs were recorded from birth to 86 days. The 5 cubs showed good appetite, rapid growth and stable physiological indices. This indicated that the 5 cubs were healthy. We achieved a high cub survival rate by hand - rearing. This investigation offers a method for rearing polar bear cubs in fu- ture.
出处 《野生动物学报》 北大核心 2015年第1期37-42,共6页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE
关键词 北极熊幼崽 人工哺育 生理指标 Polar bear cubs Hand-rearing Physiological index
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