
创伤性颅内异物的诊治体会 被引量:2

Diagnosis and treatment of transcranial embedded foreign object in 13 cases
摘要 目的:初步探讨创伤性颅内异物的特点及救治。方法:回顾分析我院2006年1月-2013年12月间收治的13例创伤性颅内异物患者的临床资料及救治过程。结果:13例患者全部行头颅CT检查,均行手术治疗;1例"隐匿型"颅内异物行开颅探查证实为腐烂木质异物。共取出异物14块;术后颅内感染2例;1例合并严重肺挫伤患者死亡。结论:创伤性颅内异物伤情严重,病情各异。术前准备要充分,完善CT等检查;根据每个患者的实际情况制定治疗方案,术后预防感染、抗癫痫等并发症。 Objective: To preliminarily investigate the attributes of transcranial embodded foreign objects and the treatment approaches. Methods: The clinical data and treatment procedures were retrospectively examined in 13 cases with craniocerebral trauma caused by foreign object undergone treatment in our hospital between January 2006 and December 2013. Results: The toal 13 patients underwent CT scans and surgical intervention. One case with concealed foreign object was confirmed by craniotomy as injury by decayed wooden matters,and 14 pieces of foreign objects were removed. Postoperative intracranial infection occurred in 2 cases,and one died due to complication of severe pulmonary contusion. Conclusion: Craniocerebral trauma with embedded foreign object can be serious and the conditions may vary. CT scan is important prior to operation. In addition,the treatment option shall be individualized to the real condition. After procedure,prevention of the intracranial infection and anti-epilepsy is recommended.
出处 《皖南医学院学报》 CAS 2015年第1期47-49,共3页 Journal of Wannan Medical College
关键词 脑创伤 颅内异物 治疗 brain trauma intracranial foreign-body treatment
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