
二战后联邦德国史学争论传统的路径演变 被引量:3

Development of Paths of Historical Controversies in the Federal Republic of Germany after the Second World War
摘要 二战后联邦德国爆发了若干大规模的史学争论。这些争论一方面反映了德国历史学家勇于争论、更善于争论的精神;另一方面反映了史学争论在新的媒体社会中所发生的巨大变化。本文试图在对争论的特点进行说明的基础上,以费舍尔争论、历史学家之争和戈德哈根争论为代表,勾勒史学争论从学术论争到公共论战的路径演变,分析德国历史科学与公共领域和大众媒体的关系,并且从历史学家就此受到的挑战及其应对中有所感悟。 Several massive historical controversies broke out in the Federal Republic of Germany after the Second World War. Those controversies reflected the cultural tradition of German historiography and the characteristics of historians, who had the courage to argue, took delight in and were adept at debate. They also indicated the huge development of the culture of historical controversies in the new media society. Based on the explanation of characteristics of historical controversies, taking the Fischer Controversy, the Historians' Quarrel and the Goldhagen Debate as representatives, the essay tries to draw the outline of the development of German historical controversies from academic debate to public controversy, to analyze the relationship between the science of history, public sphere and mass media in the FRG, and to gain some perceptions from the German historians' replies to the challenges the development gave them.
作者 范丁梁
出处 《史学史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期92-102,共11页 Journal of Historiography
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目<联邦德国史学研究--以关于纳粹问题的史学争论为中心>(项目批准号:12JJD770015)阶段性成果
关键词 联邦德国 史学争论 大众媒体 Federal Republic of Germany historical controversies mass media
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