The historical origins of Saussure's theory of the arbitrariness of linguistic signs can be traced back to William Dwight Whitney. Two core dimensions of Saussure's theory, namely, the arbitrary and the conventional, were taken directly from Whitney, although they were considerably enriched and further developed by Saussure. It is the arbitrariness of signs that serves to differentiate language from other social systems, and that arbitrariness is applied merely to the level of langue rather than to that of langage Saussure propounded a pair of categories, signifiant and signifie, for the theoretical unification of the linguistic sign's expression plane and content plane. The regulating force of tradition underlying the naturc of that sign's arbitrariness, considerably elaborated upon by Whitney, was formally theorised by Saussure as social community and time. Under the sway of the principle of arbitrariness, linguistic signs have to confront the paradox of immutability and mutability. Although Saussure's theory of the arbitrariness of signs is theoretically similar to Durkheim's concept of "social facts", with reference to that concept's features of externality and coerciveness, no empirical evidence is yet available to ascertain whether there is a mutual or unidirectional influence between them.
Signs & Media
Saussure, Whitney, arbitrariness of signs