针对目前中国统计学界普遍关心的教材更新、教学互动、评估手段等问题,结合美国统计协会(ASA)2005年发布的"统计学评估和教育指导纲要"(Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education,以下简称GAISE)及其姊妹篇(Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education:A Pre-K-12Curriculum Framework,以下简称GAISE Pre-K-12),采用对比分析方法,深入地阐述了这两份纲要对近年来美国统计教育水平不断提高所发挥的重要作用,并在此基础上探讨了它们对中国统计教育改革可能带来的启发。研究认为:中国中小学、大学统计教育改革必须联动进行;统计学课本编纂应突出"提出问题—收集数据—分析数据—解释数据"这一教学主线;计算机辅助教学水平及互联网在线支持力度应持续提高,以培养具有坚实统计学知识及统计思维能力的一代新人。
With a few widespread concerns in the author's mind about China's statistical education reform issues such as textbooks improvement, interactive teaching, and assessment methods updating, this paper studies “Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education” in 2005 (GAISE), and its follow--up in 2007 “Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education:A Pre-K-12 Curriculum Framework ” (GAISE Pre-K-12), which were both endorsed by the American Statistics Association (ASA) . It explores quite thoroughly by comparison the important role of these two guidelines in improving US statistical education level, and concludes that China's primary, secondary and college statistical education reform should go hand-in-hand, the key teaching road map of "formulate questions, collect data, analyze data and interpret results" should be carried out through all the related chapters of the textbook, and computer aided teaching plus on-line assistant teaching ancillaries should be provided and updated in time, to achieve the goal of cultivating a new generation with a solid knowledge of statistics and statistical thinking ability as well.
Journal of Statistics and Information