目的 本研究通过临床评估使用无托槽隐形矫治器与传统固定矫治器患者的牙周指数变化,比较两种矫治器对牙周健康的影响,判断隐形矫治器是否更有利于口腔卫生和牙周健康维护.方法 临床选取40名成人患者,分为隐形矫治组(Ⅰ组)和固定矫治组(F组),通过测量在其矫治前及佩戴后1、3、6个月中菌斑指数(Plaque Index,PLI)、牙龈指数(Gingiva-Index,GI)及龈沟出血指数(Sulcus Bleeding Index,SBI)等牙周指数变化,对比两种矫治器对牙周健康的影响.结果 隐形矫治组的PLI在治疗中明显低于固定矫治组,但GI及SBI除第一个月有差异外,后期无明显差别.佩戴矫治器后两组的各项指数均高于矫治前.结论 无托槽隐形矫治器在一定程度上仍有碍口腔卫生的维护,但优于传统的固定矫治器,在矫治过程中短期内仍会对牙周组织健康造成一定影响,与传统固定矫治器并无明显差别。
Objective To explore whether Invisalign is better for oral hygiene,periondontal indices between patients with Invisalign and patients with conventional appliances were compared and the effects of two orthodontic systems on periodontal health are evaluated.Methods 40 adult patients were divided into Invisalign group and fixed appliance group.Their pre-treatment and during-treatment (at 1 month,3 month,and 6 month) periodontal indices of PLI,GI and SBI were examined.The effects of two orthodontic systems on periodontal health are evaluated.Results Both system elevated periodontal indices comparing to pre-treatment.Comparing to fixed appliances,Invisalign showed much lower PLI during treatment at three time points,but its GI and SBI only were lower in 1 month during-treatment.Conclusions Invisalign can affect oral hygiene,but shows some advantages comparing to fixed appliances.Meanwhile,it still could influence periodontal tissue health,and there is no significant difference in long term comparing to conventional fixed appliance.
Chinese Journal of Orthodontics