

Fault-tolerant Output Feedback Control for a Class of Multiple Input Fuzzy Bilinear Systems
摘要 本文针对一类多输入模糊双线性系统,在系统的状态不完全可测的情况下,提出一种模糊容错控制方法.首先,我们设计模糊检测观测器检测系统是否发生故障.再基于检测观测器,设计模糊控制器保证未发生故障的系统渐近稳定.然后,在系统发生故障的情况下,设计自适应模糊诊断观测器对故障进行估计,给出故障诊断的算法.最后,根据估计出的故障,进行故障调节,设计容错控制器.基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,证明所设计的容错控制器可以保证系统在发生故障的情况下,仍能保证故障系统的渐进稳定性.仿真证明了所提控制算法的有效性. In this paper, a fuzzy fault-tolerant control approach is proposed for a class of multiple input fuzzy bilinear systems with unmeasurable states. First of all, a fuzzy detective observer is designed to detect the fault. Based on the developed detective observer, a fuzzy con-troller is proposed to guarantee the closed-loop system without faults is asymptotically stable. Then, a fuzzy adaptive diagnostic observer is developed to estimate the fault. Finally, the fault estimation is applied to fault accommodation and a fault-tolerant controller is designed. Based on Lyapunov stability, it is proved that the fault-tolerant controller ensures the closed-loop system with faults is asymptotically stable. An example is presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed control method.
作者 于洋 王巍
出处 《工程数学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期174-184,共11页 Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics
基金 辽宁省教育厅科学研究项目(L2013244)~~
关键词 模糊双线性系统 模糊容错控制 模糊检测观测器 模糊自适应诊断观测器 故障调节 fuzzy bilinear systems fuzzy fault-tolerant control fuzzy detective observer fuzzy adaptive diagnostic observer fault accommodation
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