
资本投入、经济增长与β趋同的实证分析——基于2000-2013年省际面板数据 被引量:1

Empirical Study on Capital Investment,Economy grow and Beta Hastens—— Based on Interprovincial Kneading Board Data during 2000-2013 Years
摘要 区域经济协调发展是我国经济发展面临的重要课题。上世纪末我国开始实施系列均衡发展战略,促进了区域经济的平衡协调发展,但目前东中西部经济差距仍然较大。新古典经济增长理论的"条件趋同"假说前提下,借鉴Solow-Swan经济增长模型和WRM经济趋同模型的基础上推导出经济增长β趋同模型。分析发现2000-2013年我国经济增长不存在绝对β趋同,物质资本储蓄率、人力资本储蓄率和R&D资本储蓄率的提升对我国经济增长条件β趋同具有正向促进作用。加大中西部地区人力资本投入能有效促进中西部地区经济增长,缩小与东部地区的差距。 The coordinated development of regional economy is an important task of China's economic development. At the end of last century, China began to implement a series of balanced development strategy, to promote the balanced development of regional economy, while the eastern and western economic gap is still large. The newclassical economic growth theory " conditional convergence" hypothesis promise, the basis of the Solow - Swan economic growth model and the WRM model of theeconomic convergence is derived on the economic growth convergence model The Result shows that the an- nual economic growth of our country does not exist β absolute convergence, physical capital, human capital savings rate, savings rate and R & D capital savings rates have a positive role in promoting the economic growth of our country conditional convergence during 2000 -2013 years. Increasing the human eapitalinvestment in central and western regions can promote economic growth in the central and western regions, narrow the gap with the eastern region.
作者 宋菊香
出处 《湖南财政经济学院学报》 2015年第2期51-57,共7页 Journal of Hunan University of Finance and Economics
基金 湖南省科学技术厅软科学重点项目"大湘西地区科技服务与创新能力培育存在的问题与对策研究"(批准文号:湘财企指【2014】6号 项目编号:2014ZK2035)
关键词 资本投入 绝对β趋同 条件β趋同 经济增长 地区差距 capital investment β absolute convergence β conditional convergence regional disparity economic growth
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