
德国最低工资制度的争论及对我国的启示 被引量:1

The Debate on Germany's Minimum Wage Law and Its Enlightenment to China
摘要 制定最低工资制度是保障劳动者基本利益的有效措施之一。但是作为传统的重视劳动者利益的国家,德国至今没有通过最低工资制度,其主要原因是相关利益团体在最低工资标准的适用范围上存在很大差异。德国的最低工资制度争论也为我国进一步完善最低工资制度、合理制定最低工资标准提供了参考:应该综合考虑各关联方的利益,制定实施行业、工种与地区相结合的多维度的最低工资制定标准。 The minimum wage is one of the effective measures/or the protection ot woricers' basic interests, But as a tradiuonai nation that attaches great weight to the interests of workers, Germany has not passed the minimum wage law yet. The main reason should he that major differences still exist between relevant interest groups on the application scope of the minimum wage standard. The minimum wage controversy in Germany may provide a reference for China to improve the minimum wage law and formulate a reasonable minimum wage standard: relevant groups' interests should be taken into consideration when establishing minimum wage standard. And, taking the interests of related parties into consideration, the government should formulate and implement multi-dimensional minimum wage standards integrating real conditions of various industries, work types and regions.
作者 徐磊 陈浩
出处 《当代经济管理》 CSSCI 2015年第5期92-97,共6页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(13CJY093)资助
关键词 最低工资制度 产业标准 国家标准 争论 minimum wage law industry standard national standard controversy
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