
基于概念整合理论的交际面子印象管理模式重构 被引量:5

Reconstructing Impression-management Model for “Face in Interaction” Based on Conceptual Integration Theory
摘要 "交际面子"已成为跨学科研究的一个新领域。现有的印象管理模式在解释交际面子时存在难以克服的缺陷。本文在分析和批判现有印象管理理论模式的基础上,依据概念整合理论提出解释交际面子的认知机制,弥补现有模式的缺陷,进而尝试重构一个基于概念整合理论的交际面子印象管理分析模式,并以汉语语料为例,说明重构模式的具体运作过程。 The current impression-management models have insurmountable defects in explaining “Face in interaction”, a new interdis- ciplinary research field. Based upon the analysis and critique of current impression-management models, this paper puts forward the cognitive mechanism of “face in interaction” on the basis of conceptual integration theory in order to remedy the defects of the current models. Therefore, this paper attempts to reconstruct a novel impression-management model to analyze "' face in interac- tion" on the basis of conceptual integration theory, meanwhile taking an example to illustrate the process of the new model.
机构地区 东北师范大学
出处 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期42-48,共7页 Foreign Language Research
基金 吉林省社科基金项目"多维度视角下中国人‘面子’明示性言语行为研究"(2013BS20)的阶段性成果
关键词 交际面子 印象管理 概念整合 模式重构 face in interaction impression management conceptual integration model reconstruction
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