
学术论文方法部分词汇的比较研究——以学科性为考察维度 被引量:12

A Comparative Lexcial Study of Research Articles in the Dimension of Disiplinarity
摘要 作为学术语篇研究的热点对象之一,学术论文的摘要、引言和结论等部分的研究已经较为彻底,但是有关方法部分的研究还有待深入。本文分别从3个不同领域各选取一种权威学术期刊,经过转写和赋码后建立一个微型学术语料库,并通过Coh-Metrix在线分析语料中方法部分的词汇选择。结果表明:(1)在整体层面上,3组样本的词汇选择存在显著性差异;(2)在主要词类出现率方面,3组样本中名词、动词和形容词的情况趋同,而副词和人称代词却具有显著性差异。在此基础上,本文提出一个以家族相似性为基础的学科分类框架,旨在解释这些词汇层面上的学科性差异。 Research article is one of the foci in academic discourse analysis. There are many studies about abstract section,introduction section and conclusion section,but the method section is a neglected aspect. In this study,thirty method sections,which were selected from three authentic academic journals,were collected from three disciplines( chemistry,biology and linguistics)which were randomly sampled for an in-depth analysis. After analyzing the lexical information of those samples with Coh-Metrix,we utilized SPSS and Ant Conc to testify those results. It was found that there are obvious differences among the whole lexical dimension of three disciplines. And the incidence of verb,noun and adjective showed a tendency of convergence. However,adverb and pronoun showed an overt differentiation. Finally,we constructed a framework,which was based-on family resemblances,to interpret those differentiations in disciplinal characteristics.
作者 刘辉
机构地区 黑龙江大学
出处 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期116-121,共6页 Foreign Language Research
基金 全国教育科学规划2011年度外语教育研究专项课题"基于体裁的高校学术英语写作能力评价体系研究"(GPA115062) 2014年度黑龙江大学研究生学术交流项目的阶段性成果
关键词 学术论文 学科性 学术词汇 差异性 research article disciplinarity academic word differentiation
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