

Advance of drug-resistant epilepsy's definition and its application
摘要 使用抗癫癎药物治疗的癫癎患者中,大约1/3癫癎发作不能得到有效控制,表现为对抗癫癎药物耐药.耐药性产生的机制目前考虑可能是多种因素共同作用所致.耐药性癫癎与难治性癫癎2个概念语义及内涵存在区别.自2010年国际抗癫癎联盟提出“耐药性癫癎”定义的专家共识以来,不同医疗中心应用新定义标准针对不同人群进行研究,证实新定义的有效性和可靠性较好,同时对于定义中药物剂量、药物种类、评判时间、治疗结果判定等评价指标的设定存在争议. In the use of antiepileptic drugs in patients with epilepsy,1/3 of the patients with epilepsy can not get effective control,showing resistance to antiepileptic drugs.Now the mechanism of drug resistance is considered to be caused by multiple factors work together.The concept and connotation between drug-resistant epilepsy and refractory epilepsy are different.Since 2010,the international union of antiepileptic proposed " drug-resistant epilepsy" expert consensus,different medical centers use the new defition to study different populations and confirm that the new definition is effective and reliable.However,there are some controversier about the drug dosage,drug kinds,judge for determining evaluation index and the treatment judgement in that definition.
作者 吴勇 廖建湘
出处 《中华实用儿科临床杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期558-560,共3页 Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
基金 2012年深圳市重点学科基金(201212126)
关键词 耐药 难治 癫癎 国际抗癫癎联盟 Drug-resistant Refractory Epilepsy International League Against Epilepsy
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