
铜离子浓度对电解铜箔组织性能的影响 被引量:9

Influence of copper ion concentration on microstructure and performance of electrolytic copper foil
摘要 针对国内超薄电解铜箔生产工艺不稳定问题,选择较易控制的参数──铜离子质量浓度为对象,在仅含硫酸、明胶和氯离子的镀液中研究其对电解铜箔表面形貌、毛面粗糙度、织构、抗拉强度和伸长率的影响。结果表明,电解液中铜离子质量浓度较低时,铜箔晶粒很不均匀,出现许多大尺寸晶粒。随铜离子质量浓度增大,铜箔晶粒的均匀性改善,毛面粗糙度减小,织构几乎不变,力学性能改善。适宜的铜离子质量浓度为80~90 g/L。 Aiming at the instability problem of domestic production process of ultra-thin electrolytic copper foil, the effect of mass concentration of copper ions, an easily controlled parameter, on surface morphology, roughness of rough side, texture, tensile strength, and elongation of electrolytic copper foil was studied in a bath containing sulfuric acid, gelatin, and chloride ions. The results showed that the grains of copper foil are uneven and many grains with large size appear when the mass concentration of copper ions is low in electrolyte. The increasing of mass concentration of copper ions improves the grain homogeneity and mechanical properties of copper foil, decreases the roughness of rough side, but slightly affects the texture. The suitable mass concentration of copper ions is 80-90 g/L.
出处 《电镀与涂饰》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期371-374,共4页 Electroplating & Finishing
关键词 电解铜箔 电镀 铜离子 晶粒 织构 抗拉强度 伸长率 electrolytic copper foil electroplating copper ion grain texture tensile strength elongation
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