
首发与复发精神分裂症患者失配性负波MMN的对比研究 被引量:2

Comparative Study on the Mismatch Negativity MMN between First-episode Schizophrenia and Recurrence Schizophrenia
摘要 目的:探讨首发与复发精神分裂症患者前注意信息加工的电生理机制差异。方法:采用纯音"Oddball"诱发模式,对36例首发精神分裂症患者(首发组)、38例复发精神分裂症患者(复发组)进行事件相关电位MMN检查,测量MMN的潜伏期、波幅,并与33名健康被试的结果进行比较。结果:与对照组相比,首发组的MMN潜伏期差异不显著(t=1.06,P>0.05),复发组的MMN潜伏期显著延迟(t=4.23,P<0.05),首发和复发组的MMN波幅均显著降低(t=2.69,3.36;P<0.05);与首发组相比,复发组的MMN潜伏期显著延迟、波幅显著降低(t=3.66,3.03;P<0.05)。结论:首发与复发精神分裂症患者的前注意信息自动加工电生理机制均受损,患者的反复发作能加重其受损。提示MMN受损指标可能是精神分裂症患者复发的潜在生物学标记。 Objective :To explore the difference of mismatch negativity MMN between treatment -re- sistant schizophrenia and general schizophrenia. Methods: A total of 28 first - episode schizophrenias ( F -SCZ group)and 32 recurrence schizophrenias( R- SCZ group)were selected to test event- related po- tentials MMN,and their MMN amplitudes and latencies were measured. Results:Compared with the con- trol group, the F - SCZ group had no differences ( t = 1.06, P 〉 0.05 ) while R - SCZ group had significant longer MMN latencies ( t = 4.23, P 〈 0. 05 ) , and both of F - SCZ and R - SCZ group had lower MMN am- plitudes( t = 2.69,3.36 ;P 〈 0.05 ). Compared with the F - SCZ group, the MMN latencies were signifi- cant longer and MMN amplitudes were significant lower in the R - SCZ group ( t = 3.66,3.03 ; P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion: First - episode and recurrence schizophrenia present an impairment of the electro- physiological mechanism of pre - attentive automatic information processing, and the recurrent of schizo- phrenia can aggravate the impaired pre - attentive information processing. It further suggests that the im- paired processing indexed by MMN amplitude and latency may be a potential susceptible biomarker for re- currence of schizophrenia.
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2015年第4期498-501,共4页 China Journal of Health Psychology
关键词 首发精神分裂症 复发精神分裂症 事件相关电位 失匹配负波 First - episode schizophrenia Recurrence schizophrenia Event - related potential(ERP) Mismatch negativity
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