Objective :To explore the difference of mismatch negativity MMN between treatment -re- sistant schizophrenia and general schizophrenia. Methods: A total of 28 first - episode schizophrenias ( F -SCZ group)and 32 recurrence schizophrenias( R- SCZ group)were selected to test event- related po- tentials MMN,and their MMN amplitudes and latencies were measured. Results:Compared with the con- trol group, the F - SCZ group had no differences ( t = 1.06, P 〉 0.05 ) while R - SCZ group had significant longer MMN latencies ( t = 4.23, P 〈 0. 05 ) , and both of F - SCZ and R - SCZ group had lower MMN am- plitudes( t = 2.69,3.36 ;P 〈 0.05 ). Compared with the F - SCZ group, the MMN latencies were signifi- cant longer and MMN amplitudes were significant lower in the R - SCZ group ( t = 3.66,3.03 ; P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion: First - episode and recurrence schizophrenia present an impairment of the electro- physiological mechanism of pre - attentive automatic information processing, and the recurrent of schizo- phrenia can aggravate the impaired pre - attentive information processing. It further suggests that the im- paired processing indexed by MMN amplitude and latency may be a potential susceptible biomarker for re- currence of schizophrenia.
China Journal of Health Psychology
First - episode schizophrenia
Recurrence schizophrenia
Event - related potential(ERP)
Mismatch negativity