
贵州省部分地区阴道毛滴虫与人型支原体共生情况 被引量:2

Investigation on Symbiosis of Mycoplasma hominis in Trichomonas vaginalis in Some Areas of Guizhou Province
摘要 目的:了解贵州地区阴道毛滴虫临床分离株与人型支原体共生情况。方法:以贵州部分地区女性阴道毛滴虫病患者阴道后穹隆分泌物中采集的阴道毛滴虫虫株,实验室达到纯培养后,采用Chelex-100的方法提取滴虫基因组DNA,设计人型支原体16S rDNA特异引物,进行聚合酶链式反应(PCR),琼脂糖凝胶电泳法对PCR产物进行分析,观察滴虫细胞内人型支原体共生情况。结果:从临床共采集到165株虫株中,83株获得纯培养;83株中人型支原体检测结果显示有47株阳性,阳性率为56.6%。结论:阴道毛滴虫虫株与人型支原体共生情况在我国贵州地区普遍性存在。 Objective: To investigate the symbiosis of Mycoplasma hominis in Trichomonas vaginalis in Guizhou Province. Methods: The clinical strains of T. vaginalis were collected from the hospitals and family planning service stations in Guiyang city and Anshun city. After pure culture in lab,the genome DNA of T. vaginalis was extracted by Chelex-100,and 16 S rDNA fragment of M. hominis was amplified by PCR with the specific primers. Agarose gel electrophoresis analysis was conducted and the symbiosis of M. hominis in T. vaginalis was observed. Results: A total of 165 strains were collected from the hospitals and family planning service stations,and 83 clinical strains attained pure culture,of which 47 strains were detected positively for M. hominis. The positive rate was 56. 6%. Conclusions:The symbiosis of M. hominis in T. vaginalis is prevalent in Guizhou province.
出处 《贵阳医学院学报》 CAS 2015年第3期249-252,共4页 Journal of Guiyang Medical College
基金 贵州省省长基金项目[黔科教办(2005)14号] 安市科合[2012]36号 贵阳医学院博士启动基金
关键词 毛滴虫 阴道 支原体人型 16S RDNA 聚合酶链式反应 共生 Trichomonas vaginalis Mycoplasma hominis 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction symbiosis
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