Based on summarizing sinking construction for steel tube piles in 5 projects, conclusions are as follows. The bearing stratum of steel tube pile in deep deep old deposited soil of old deposited soil should be medium coarse sand of 50-blow count SPT or deep old deposited soil of 40-blow count SPT. The coefficient of restitution for pile capacity is 1.26 - 1.40 and higher than other caly soil. Diesel hammer of D128 or D138 should be chosen for pile driving equipment. The final set should be 2 - 5 mm/blow for second gear and 6 ~ 10 mm/blow for third gear. Energy transfer coefficient for steel tube piles in deep old deposited soil is 28.5% ~ 47.6%. The total number of blows less than 2 500 is 83.8% of the statistics steel tube piles with diameter 1 000 - 1 400 mm and pile driving efficiency is highest when the bearing stratum and final set is as above-mentioned. Furthermore, the control standard of pile-sinking construction soil can give instruction to theoretical research and engineering practice for steel tube pile in deep old deposited.
Port & Waterway Engineering
old deposited soil
steel tube pile
pile-driving regularity
control standard