Family property sharing principle is the custom in Chinese traditional marriage life, which is one of the important contents of the CPC' s marriage and family reform in the anti-Japanese base areas and liberation districts. The previous unreasonable family property system was radically reformed by the CPC, women' s property right was more attended when the marriage broke up. An equal and guaranteed family property distribution system was rebuilt, and therefore the women liberation thought was rooted into the rural areas governed by the CPC. Since the marriage and family property system and its value in law is related to the people' s benefits, and its reform basis is the reform of the whole social system, including politics, economy and culture, and therefore, the equal marriage and family property right will not be achieved, as long as the social system isn' t radically changed.
CPC History Studies
国家社会科学重点项目“华北及陕甘宁革命根据地女性婚姻问题研究"' (12AZS010)阶段性成果