近场支付由于其产业链过长、相关硬件厂商众多的特点,给其兼容性带来了巨大挑战。在NFC一致性测试的基础上,提出了严格的一致性测试、仪表兼容性测试、R/W兼容性测试、POS兼容性测试等4种提高NFC终端与POS之间兼容性的测试方法 ,并分析了其优缺点。行业相关方可结合自身资源及需求,采用其中一种或几种方法相结合的测试手段,提高NFC端到端兼容性,优化NFC支付生态环境。
NFC has a long industry chain with many manufacturers involved in, which brings a significant challenge to the compatibility. Four testing methods were presented to improve the compatibility of NFC terminals and POS terminals. These testing methods include more rigorous conformance testing method, instrument compatibility testing method, R/W compatibility testing method and POS compatibility testing method. Industry participants can use one or more of these four methods to improve NFC end-to-end compatibility based on their own needs, which can help optimize the NFC mobile pay environment.
Telecommunications Science