
基于用户体验的信息系统主动运维平台 被引量:4

Active Operation and Maintenance Platform for Information System Based on User Experience
摘要 传统的运维监控只是监控系统各个组件的健康工作情况,对用户级体验的细粒度监控尚缺乏有效手段。针对此问题,研究基于用户体验的信息系统主动运维平台,从业务的网络流量大数据分析出发,提出监测用户网络行为及其体验耗时。系统实施的关键在于实时识别用户的行为,测量每个行为的具体响应时间,监测用户级应用的性能。测试表明,该平台实现了预期的功能,系统吞吐率较高,内存占用较少,实现了用户应用级性能实时监测,为提高用户体验提供了有效手段。 The traditional monitoring maintenance system only watches the running metrics. However, these metrics is not sufficient to reflect the status of the whole system for fine-grained monitoring of the system at users and application level. An active operation and maintenance platform based on user experiences was proposed. Through the mining of big network data, the platform can recognize a variety of user behaviors, and measure the user experience time along with the system performance at user's level. Tests and experiments show that the platform works well with large throughput and low memory occupation. The application level performance monitoring, which provides an efficient way to improve user experience, was realized.
出处 《电信科学》 北大核心 2015年第3期124-129,共6页 Telecommunications Science
关键词 系统监控 性能 用户体验 主动运维 system monitoring, pertbrmance, user experience, active operation and maintenance
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