
节食延缓衰老的分子生物学机理 被引量:2

Molecular mechanisms of delaying aging by diet restriction
摘要 作为一种复杂的生命过程,衰老既受到自身内部基因的调控,又受到外界环境的影响。节食作为唯一一种通过改变外界环境改变衰老进程的手段,是指在不会造成营养不良的情况下,通过减少正常饮食量的20%~40%的食物限制或者是减少食物中的高热量成分来实现总摄入热量的降低。节食不仅能延长寿命(lifespan),而且能有效预防衰老相关疾病的发生,从而延长健康寿命(healthspan)。节食的分子机理在模式动物线虫、果蝇和小鼠中都得到了很好的阐释,在此将对节食延缓衰老的分子机理进行总结,并对近些年来发现的可以模拟节食对衰老推迟作用的小分子化合物的作用机理进行阐释。 Aging is a complex process and is regulated by both genetic and environmental factors. Caloric restriction(CR) or dietary restriction(DR) is an evolutionarily conserved way to slow the aging process, delays age-associated declines, and thus extends the healthspan of diverse phylogenetic groups without genetic intervention. CR is conducted by reducing total food intake by 20%~40% compared with those of ad libtum(AL) feeding control animals or by just minimizing the ingredients with high calories such as high carbohydrate or high fat in the food.Recent works in model organisms such as worms, flies and mice have revealed some molecular mechanisms to explain how CR works. Here, we discuss possible molecular mechanisms and also summarize a list of small molecules which mimic the effect of CR on aging.
作者 王丹 韩敬东
出处 《生命科学》 CSCD 2015年第3期280-288,共9页 Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31210103916 91329302 91019019) 国家重点基础研究发展计划("973"项目)(2011CB504206 2015CB964803) 中科院仪器研制项目(YZ201243) 中科院干细胞先导专项(XDA01010303)
关键词 衰老 节食 信号通路 节食模拟物 aging diet signaling pathways caloric restriction mimetics
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