目的分析白内障手术切口对矫正白内障角膜原有散光的治疗效果。方法收集我院2012年8月至2013年8月收治的300例(300只眼)白内障手术住院患者作为研究对象,所有患者均采用透明角膜切口超声乳化白内障吸除人工晶状体植入术治疗,其中,观察组150例患者的角膜透明切口位于散光陡峭轴,对照组150例患者采用经颞上侧(右眼)或鼻上侧(左眼)角膜透明切口,比较2组患者术后角膜散光变化情况。结果在手术后3 d、1个月、3个月、6个月以及12个月,观察组患者的平均角膜散光度均明显低于手术前,其中以术后1个月最低,为(+0.79±0.92)D;对照组患者的平均角膜散光度则均明显高于手术前,以术后3 d的角膜散光度达到最高,为(-5.65±0.89)D,手术后3 d、1个月、3个月、6个月以及12个月,观察组患者的裸眼视力均明显高于对照组患者,组间差异具有显著统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论沿陡轴透明角膜切口白内障超声乳化联合人工晶状体植入术可以在一定程度上矫正白内障手术原有散光程度,并较大程度上促进患者裸眼视力的恢复。
Objective To compare the efficacy of two different surgery incisions on original corneal astigmatism in cataract surgery.Methods 300 patients(300 eyes) of cataract surgery from August 2012 to August 2013 in our hospital were included in the study,of which150 patients in the observation group treated with transparent cornea incision in the steep axis of astigmatism,and the control group of 150 patients received lateral( right) or on the nose by the temporal side( left) transparent cornea incision. Results In the third day,first month,third month,sixth month and 12 th month after surgery,the average corneal astigmatism in the observation group was significantly lower than that before the surgery,which after a month the lowest( + 0. 79 ± 0. 92) D;average corneal astigmatism of patients in the control group were significantly higher than that before the surgery,corneal astigmatism after 3 days to reach the highest,(- 5. 65 ± 0. 89) D,3 days after surgery,1 month,3 months,6 months and 12 months,patients in the observation group were significantly higher visual acuity patients,the difference was statistically significant( P〈0. 05). Conclusion Phacoemulsification clear corneal incision along the steep axis IOL implantation for cataract surgery can correct astigmatism original extent a certain extent,and to promote the recovery of visual acuity in patients with a greater degree.
Journal of Regional Anatomy and Operative Surgery
phacoemulsification cataract surgery