During a stratospheric sudden warming(SSW),lower atmosphere temperature and wind fields change strongly,which can pose direct influence on tides and vertical wind shears in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere(MLT).It can cause corresponding variation in the sporadic-E layer(Es).This paper analyzes the response of the Es to SSW by an example in Jan2009.The method of wavelet analysis was used to analyze the 2-day planetary waves in the MLT region over the Kunming station from Nov 2008 to Mar 2009.Meanwhile,we utilized the harmonic fitting to find the variations of diurnal tide,semidiurnal tide and terdiurnal tide produced by SSW.Finally,we modeled the movement process of the Es layer from the height of200 km to lower altitude under the diurnal tide wind and semidiurnal tide wind based on the theory of wind shear.Firstly,excluding the influence of solar and geomagnetic activities on the Es-layer,we used wind waves and tides activities in the MLT region and found that there were obvious 2-day planetary waves,diurnal tide has been weaker and semidiurnal tide has been stronger during this SSW.Then,we investigated the changes of the Es-layer over the Chongqing and Kunming stations,showed that the intensity of Es-layer was weakened and the height was increased,whichhappened at the same time with the disturbances in the lower atmosphere.Finally,through simulating the convergences and paths of metal ions of the Es layer,we reconstructed the coupling process of the Es layer and lower atmosphere in this SSW period.During the SSW,because of the variations of the wind field in the MLT region and Es-layer,diurnal tide has been weaker and semidiurnal tide has been stronger,while the height of the Eslayer increased and the critical frequency for Es decreased.The results of simulation are consistent with the observation.It can be inferred that the Es-layer may be a coupling approach between the lower atmosphere and the upper atmosphere.
Chinese Journal of Geophysics